




    Reconnecting your story



    Helping you get in touch with your stories through somatic awareness. This helps us feel more alive, resilient and adaptable. Stories from our bodies and stories from our minds inform each other through every breath we take.


    When we're anxious, angry, frozen or folded inside, we can learn to support our stories to feel grounded, centred and steady. We then find more joy and aliveness, and so do our horses.


    It's about helping you feel safe, connected and social in the presence of horses. And horses like it when we do that, because they live in their bodies more than we do.


  • Are you...


    Seeking life balance through compassion, healthy relationships and mind-to-body awareness?


    Wanting to reflect, re-imagine and re-orient your life story?


    Looking to live life through more connection and authenticity?

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    Introductory Session


    In person or on-line

    30 minutes

    For those new to Stories with Soma and wish to understand the practice. Various topics adapted to suit your needs.

    Contact me for details.

    An ideal way to see what it's about and to meet each other.


    No horses $ FREE for Introductory Session

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    Single Session


    In person or on-line

    1 hour

    for Human Well-being

    For those familiar with Stories with Soma and seeking to enhance body-mind connections. By following our soma we gently connect back to our stories.


    In-person session with horses $70

    Online $50