• welcome


    Stories with Soma 




    A place to reconnect your story


    A place to honour the horse-to-human relationship


    A place to notice, name and nurture the horse's story

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    Supporting bodies and minds

    through natural flows of

    somatic awareness, stories and horses



    Trauma-informed support for people

    Trauma recovery for horses






    to unfold, move and reform

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    There are stories that expand us and stories that contract us.


    With a desire for self-improvement, stories can help us see life in a variety of ways.


    As stories unfold, we notice where they go and how they sit within us.

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    Somatic support


    As we become comfortable with our body contractions, tensions and holds, we slowly identify ways to release them. To notice our spaces and flow.


    Through somatic body-based sensing, we gently and slowly learn about body patterns and responses.


    Felt safety underpins all that we do.

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    The presence of horses


    The settled presence of horses can promote connection and flow.


    Horses can offer a safe place for us to be seen, heard, felt and understood.


    We place consent and attunement at the forefront of our relationship. Horses at liberty are free to make all choices. Horses under halter are offered choices through felt safety.

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    A unique blend


    Stories wth Soma activities foster curiosity and wonder, playfulness and connections.


    Honouring fluid changes that evolve, move, shape and sit.


    Moving towards recovery and interconnection of the mind and body through our felt sense.

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    Seeking self-knowledge and care of your body and mind.


    Interested in a balanced outlook to life with a healthy sense of well-being.


    Desiring reliable pathways for self in relationship to others.


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    Trauma support and recovery for horses


    Being present to a horse's body story opens a window into their lives.


    Supporting horse's trauma and stress through consent, attunement and felt safety opens a pathway to releasing held tensions. We also work together with their voice, their choices, developing trust and empowering the horse through compassion.


    Each horse's body story is different and requires a unique approach.